Thursday, 26 March 2015

Emission classification of building materials: general instructions for the valid M1 symbol

The Building Information Foundation RTS is Finland's leading information service for the building and construction sector. Its mission is to foster and promote good planning and construction practices as well as sound property management procedures. The Building Information Foundation RTS is a private foundation with representatives from 49 Finnish building organisations. 

These instructions describe the principles of the emission classification of building materials. They were approved by the Building Information Foundation RTS Committee Indoor Air Classification (EPT 24) at its meeting of 27 May 2010.

 1. INTRODUCTION The emission classification of building materials is primarily designed for the classification of materials used in ordinary residential and work rooms. This activity is based on the criteria and principles established in the Classification of Indoor Environment 2008 document, applicable at that time. Emission classifications are granted by the Building Information Foundation RTS. Classification work is developed and supervised by Committee Indoor Air Classification (EPT 24) appointed by the Director General of the Building Information Foundation RTS. It also promotes building methods aimed at good indoor climate in other ways. Classification applications and matters relating to classification decisions are examined by a separate classification working group elected by the Committee. The workgroup consists of a representative of the Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality, a technical expert and the secretary of the classification workgroup.

 2. APPLYING FOR EMISSION CLASSIFICATION Applications for an emission classification of a building material are submitted to the Building Information Foundation RTS on an application form drawn up for this purpose. Applicants should enclose with their application the product specification, instructions for use, the material safety data sheet and a research report. The research report must not be more than one (1) year old. The applicant may, if necessary, be asked to supply supplementary information.

 3. THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE APPLICATION DOCUMENTS The Building Information Foundation RTS treats all documents and information submitted by applicants in support of their application in confidence. However, the name of the product and the holder of the classification will be released and entered in the directory of classifications referred to in Section 13.

4. RIGHT OF USE OF CLASSIFICATION LABEL Right of use of a classification label provides the company which has been granted classification the right to label the classified product with the label and to use the label for marketing purposes. The company must use the valid classification symbol, which is a registered trade mark. “The valid M1 classification symbol.”

5. VALIDITY OF RIGHT OF USE The period of validity of the right of use of a classification label is three (3) years. If the composition and method of manufacturing the product have not changed, the classification can be renewed for another three (3) years by application without testing provided that the required testing methods and the criteria set for the products have not been altered fundamentally. Both new and continuation applications will always be examined in accordance with the current requirements set for testing methods and the criteria set for the products.

6. OBLIGATION TO GIVE NOTICE OF CHANGES TO PRODUCT The holder of right of use is under an obligation to give the Building Information Foundation RTS prior notice of changes relating to the methods of manufacturing the product, its composition etc. if these changes affect the properties on the basis of which the classification was granted. The quality control of classified products is the responsibility of the person applying for classification. The material manufacturer is responsible for using an approved quality control system.

 7. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CLASSIFIED PRODUCT The owner of the classification is solely responsible for guaranteeing that the product fulfils the requirements concerning it. The Building Material Foundation RTS is not responsible for the classified products or for the product properties as reported by the owner of the classification.

 8. NOTICE OF TERMINATION OR REVOCATION OF RIGHT OF USE OF CLASSIFICATION LABEL both the Building Information Foundation RTS and the owner of the classification can give notice of terminating the classification and the right of use three (3) months from the notice. The Building Information Foundation RTS can revoke the classification and right of use without a period of notice in cases of abuse or if it transpires that the requirements for granting classification are no longer met. If the Building Information Foundation RTS has reasonable grounds to suspect that the product no longer meets the requirements set for it, the owner of the classification must present new testing results showing that the requirements are met.


1) Product testing before classification requires the product to be tested by an approved testing laboratory in accordance with the required methods.

2) Selection of testing laboratory Sample selection, analysis and measurements of material emissions must be performed at a competent and impartial laboratory approved by the classification working group. A list of approved laboratories can be found on the Internet. The applicant shall be responsible for documentation.

3) Testing methods sampling, analysis and measurements of material emissions are to be conducted as stipulated in the following document:                                                                                                                                                                                                        Emission Classification of Building Materials: Protocol for Chemical and Sensory Testing of Building Materials
The products are to be tested with regard to the following characteristics:
 • total volatile organic compounds TVOC
 • formaldehyde HCOH
 • ammonia NH3
 • carcinogens
 • odours.

 The research report must contain the details listed in the sample research report.

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